Dixon N37-25F15F 1-1/2" MNST x 2-1/2" FNST Rocker Lug
Dixon N37-25F15F 1-1/2" MNST x 2-1/2" FNST Rocker Lug
Product Details:
- Increaser Adapter Rocker Lug
- Made by Dixon Valve and Coupling Company
- Part # N37-25F15F
- Style N37
- Used with Fire Hydrants
- 1 1/2" MNST (NH) x 2 1/2" FNST (NH)
- Hardcoated Aluminum Material
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"description": `This fire hose double male adapter with rocker lug from Dixon Valve & Coupling Company is for sale. Part # N36-15T15F, it's 1 1/2" MNPT x 1 1/2" MNST. Made from hard coated aluminum.`,
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